Journal and Conference Papers
Journal Papers
Sana, A. and Tanaka, H. (2009),
“Two-Equation turbulence modeling of an oscillatory boundary layer under steep pressure gradient”, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, (accepted).
Ghumman, A. R., Sana, A. and Tanaka, H. (2009), “Grid
dependence of k-epsilon model for oscillatory boundary layers”, Water Management, Vol.162, 1-7 (in press).
Sana, A., Ghumman, A. R. and Tanaka, H. (2009), “Modeling
of a rough-wall oscillatory boundary layer using two-equation turbulence models”, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (ASCE),
Vol.135, No.1, 60-65.
Suntoyo, Tanaka, H. and Sana, A. (2008), “Characteristics
of turbulent boundary layers over a rough bed under saw-tooth waves and its application to sediment transport”, Coastal
Engineering, Elsevier, Vol.55, No.12, 1102-1112.
Ranjan, S.P., Kazama, S., Sawamoto, M., Sana, A. (2009),
“Global scale evaluation of coastal fresh groundwater resources”, Ocean and Coastal Management, Elsevier, Vol.52,
Sana, A. and Tanaka, H. (2007), “Full-range equation
for wave boundary layer thickness”, Coastal Engineering, Elsevier , Vol.54, 639-642.
Sana, A., Ghumman, A. R. and Tanaka, H. (2007), “Modification
of the damping function in the k-e
model to analyze oscillatory boundary layers”, Ocean Engineering,
Vol.34, No.2, 320-326.
Suntoyo, Tanaka, H. and Sana, A. (2007), “Turbulence
models for rough turbulent boundary layers under asymmetric waves”, Tohoku Journal of Natural Disaster Science, Tohoku
University, Japan, Vol.43, 247-252.
Suntoyo, Tanaka, H., Sana, A. and Yamaji, H. (2006), “Characteristics
of turbulent boundary layer over a rough bed under cnoidal wave motion”, Annual Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (JSCE),
Vol.50, 121-126.
Sana, A., Tanaka, H., Yamaji, H. and Kawamura, I. (2006),
“Hydrodynamic behavior of asymmetric oscillatory boundary layers at low Reynolds numbers”, Journal of Hydraulic
Engineering (ASCE), Vol.132, No.10, 1086-1096.
Sana, A. and Shuy, E. B. (2002), “Two-Equation turbulence
models for smooth oscillatory boundary layers”, Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering (ASCE), Vol.128,
No.1, 38-45.
Sana, A. and Tanaka, H. (2000), “Review of k-e model to analyze oscillatory boundary layers”,
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (ASCE), Vol. 126, No.9, 701-710.
13. Tanaka, H., Sana, A., Kawamura, I. and Yamaji, H. (1999), “Depth-limited oscillatory
boundary layers on a rough bottom”, Coastal Engineering Journal, Vol.41, No.1, 85-105.
14. Tanaka, H., Yamaji, H., Sana, A. and Shuto, N. (1998), “A generation method
of asymmetric oscillatory motion simulating cnoidal waves”, Coastal Engineering Journal, Vol.40, No.3, 291-306.
15. Tanaka, H., Sana, A., Yamaji, H. and Samad, M.A. (1998), “Experimental and numerical
investigation on asymmetric oscillatory boundary layers”, Journal of Hydro-science and Hydraulic Engineering, Vol.16,
No.1, 117-126.
16. Tanaka, H., Sana, A. and Kawamura, I (1998), “Theoretical and experimental study
on quasi-steady boundary layer under wave motion”, Journal of Hydraulic, Coastal and Environmental Engineering, JSCE,
Vol.593/II-43, pp.155-164 (in Japanese).
Sana, A., Tanaka, H. and Yamaji, H. (1997), “Transitional
behavior of asymmetric oscillatory boundary layers”, Annual Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (JSCE), Vol.41, pp.651-656.
Sana, A. and Tanaka, H., (1997), “Improvement of
the full-range equation for bottom friction under three-dimensional wave-current combined motion”, Coastal Engineering,
Vol.31, Elsevier Science, pp.217-229.
19. Tanaka, H., Yamaji, H., Sana, A. and Shuto, N. (1997) “ A new generation method
of asymmetric oscillatory flow”, Journal of Hydraulic, Coastal and Environmental Engineering, JSCE, Vol.565/II-39, pp.111-118
(in Japanese).
20. Tanaka, H. and Sana, A. (1996) “Bottom shear stress prediction for three dimensional
wave-current boundary layer”, Journal of Hydraulic, Coastal and Environmental Engineering, JSCE, Vol.533/No.II-34, pp.273-277
(in Japanese).
Sana, A. and Tanaka, H. (1996) “The performance of
low-Reynolds number k-e model to analyze an oscillatory boundary layer”, Journal Hydroscience and Hydraulic Engineering,
Vol.40, pp.779-785 (in Japanese).
22. Tanaka, H. and Sana, A. (1994) “Application of the low-Reynolds number k-e model to an oscillatory
flow”, Journal Hydroscience and Hydraulic Engineering, JSCE, Vol.38, pp.481-486 (in Japanese).
Refereed Conference Proceedings
1. Sana, A., Al-Yaqoubi, A. and Tanaka, H. (2009), “Seawater
quality in Gulf of Oman”, 3rd International Conference on Estuaries and Coasts (ICEC 2009), Sendai, Japan
2. Sana, A., (2009), “Verification of a turbulence
model for rough oscillatory boundary layers”, 33rd IAHR 2009 Congress, Vancouver, Canada (accepted).
3. Sana, A., Tanaka, H. and Suntoyo (2008), “Turbulence modeling of wave boundary layers on a rough bottom”, Proceedings of 31st International Conference on Coastal Engineering, Hamburg, Germany (In press).
4. Sana, A.
and Al-Shibli, S. (2006), “Numerical modeling of seawater intrusion into coastal aquifers in Sultanate of Oman”,
Regional Conference on Groundwater Protection, Tripoli, Libya, 2006.
5. Sana, A., Al-Jamrah, A., Claereboudt, M., Al-Kindi, S., Tanaka, H. and Kwarteng,
A. (2006), “Measurement of Water Quality Parameters in the Gulf of Oman”, IAHR-APD Conference, Chennai, India, pp. 1155-1165.
6. Tanaka, H., Suntoyo and Sana, A. (2006), “Numerical
investigation on a rough bed turbulent boundary layer under cnoidal wave motion”, Proceedings of 7th International Conference
on Hydro-science and Engineering, Philadelphia, U.S.(CD-ROM).
7. Ghumman, A. R., Sana, A. and Tanaka, H. (2006), “Using a modified k-e Model to Analyze Transitional
Oscillatory Boundary Layers”, Annual Conference of Canadian Society of Civil Engineers, 2006, Paper No. GC-011, pp.1-8.
8. Suntoyo, Tanaka, H. and Sana, A. (2006), “Bottom shear stress and sediment transport calculation characterized
by the acceleration effect under non-linear wave motion”, International
Conference on Coastal Engineering (ASCE), 2006, Book of Abstracts,
Paper No. 301.
9. Sana, A. and Tanaka, H., and Ghumman, A. R., (2006), “Modification of k-e model to study oscillatory boundary
layers”, International Conference on Coastal Engineering (ASCE), 2006, Book of Abstracts, Paper No. 234.
10. Sana, A. (2005), “Measurement of oil related pollution in the coastal region
of Sultanate of Oman”, Oceans 2005 MTS/IEEE Conference, Washington D.C., USA.
11. Sana, A., Al-Hatrushi, S.,
Machlachlan, A., Hamed, K., Kwarteng, A., Al-Belushi, A. and Kumar, V. (2005), “Implementation of a Numerical
Model to Study Coastal Erosion along Al-Batinah, Sultanate of Oman”, Arabian Coast 2005 Conference, Dubai , Book
of Abstracts, pp.379-382.
12. Sana, A., Al-Jamrah,
A., Claereboudt, M., Al-Kindi, S., Tanaka, H. and Kwarteng, A. (2005), “Measurement of Water Quality in Gulf
of Oman”, Arabian Coast 2005 Conference, Dubai, Book of Abstracts,
13. Al-Hatrushi,
S., Kwarteng, A., Machlachlan, A., Sana, A., Al-Belushi, A., Hamed, K., and Kumar, V. (2005),
“A preliminary assessment of coastal ersoion along the Batinah: Sultanate of Oman”, Arabian Coast 2005
Conference, Dubai , Book of Abstracts, pp.145-149.
14. Kwarteng,
A., Al-Hatrushi, S., Machlachlan, A., Sana, A., Al-Belushi, A., Hamed, K., and Kumar, V. (2005),
“Monitoring changes along the Batinah coast of Oman using remotely sensed data”, Arabian Coast 2005 Conference,
Dubai , Book of Abstracts, pp.9-12.
15. Sana, A.,
Ghumman, A. R. and Tanaka, H. (2005), “Modification of k-e Model to Analyze Oscillatory Boundary Layers”, Proceedings, International
Conference on Mathematical Models and Methods in Fluid Mechanics, July 4-6, 2005, COMSATS, Islamabad, Pakistan.
16. Sana, A.,
Tanaka, H. and Suzuki, T. (2004), “Experimental and numerical study of irregular wave boundary layers on a rough bottom”,
Proceedings, International Conference on Coastal Engineering (ASCE), Lisbon,
Portugal, Vol. 1, pp.521-528.
17. Sana, A. and
Tanaka, H. (2004), “Numerical modeling of oscillatory boundary layers using two-equation turbulence models”, Proceedings,
6th International Conference on Hydro science and Engineering (ICHE-2004),
Brisbane, Australia (Invited paper).
18. Sana, A. (2004),
“Implementation of a numerical model to study oil spill fate in the coastal region of Sultanate of Oman”, Proceedings,
The Joint Kingdom of Bahrain-Japan Symposium 2004-Challenges on New Horizons, Manama, Bahrain, pp.374-386 (Invited paper).
Sana, A. and Al-Shibli, S. H. (2003), “Modeling of seawater
intrusion into a coastal aquifer in the Sultanate of Oman”, Proceedings, 30th International Association
of Hydraulic Engineering and Research (IAHR) Congress, Greece, August 24-29, pp.581-588.
20. Sana, A.,
Tanaka, H. (2001), “Utilization of Two-Layer Turbulence Models to analyze an Oscillatory Boundary Layer on a Smooth
Bottom”, Proceedings, 8th International Symposium. Flow Modeling and Turbulence Measurements, Tokyo,
Japan, pp.517-524.
Mzila, N., Shuy, E.B., Tan, H.C. and Sana,
A. (2001), Preliminary groundwater quality investigations at a reclaimed land in Singapore”,
Proceedings, 29th International Association of Hydraulic Engineering and Research (IAHR) Congress, Beijing, China, pp.140-144.
22. Sana, A.,
Shuy, E. B., Mzila, N. and Hoong, C. K. M. (2001), “A Preliminary Study On Feasibility Of Using Treated Wastewater To
Recharge Reclaimed Land”, Proceedings, 29th International Association of Hydraulic Engineering and
Research (IAHR) Congress, Beijing, China, pp.152-156.
23. Sana, A. and
Shuy, E. B. (2001), “Analysis of a Transitional Oscillatory Boundary Layer by k-e
Model”, Proceedings, 29th International Association of Hydraulic Engineering and Research (IAHR) Congress,
Beijing, China, pp.224-228.
24. Tanaka, H., Sana, A., Kawamura, I. And Yamaji, H.,
(2000), “Stability of asymmetric wave
boundary layers”, Proceedings, International Conference on Computational. Hydrodynamics (ICHD 2000), Yokohama, Japan, pp.
25. Itonaga, N, Sana, A., Tanaka, H. and Samad, M.A. (2000), “Modeling of
Natori river mouth topography change due to a heavy flood”, Proceedings, International Conference on Computational
Hydrodynamics (ICHD 2000), Yokohama, Japan, pp. 653-658.
26. Tanaka, H., Yamaji, H., Sana, A. (1998), “Experimental study on non-linear wave boundary layers”, Proceedings,
International Conference on Coastal Engineering (ASCE), Copenhagen, Denmark, pp.471-483.
27. Tanaka, H., Sana, A., and Samad, M.A. (1997),
“The modes of Sediment Transport under
pulsatile motion”, Proceedings,
Fourth International Conference on Measurement and Control of Granular Materials (MCGM 97), pp.160-165.
28. Tanaka, H. and Sana, A., (1997), “The variation of frictional resistance under long waves in cross-shore
direction”, Proceedings, Computer Modeling of Seas and Coastal Regions III, Ed. J.R. Acinas and C.A. Brebbia,
Computational Mechanics Publications, pp.233-242.
29. Kawamura, I., Tanaka, H., Yamaji, H. and Sana, A. (1997) “Transition to turbulence in an asymmetric wave boundary
layer -difference from sinusoidal waves-“, Proceedings of Coastal Engineering, JSCE, Vol.44, pp.136-140 (in Japanese).
30. Sana, A. and
Tanaka, H., (1996), “The testing of low Reynolds number k-epsilon models by DNS data for an oscillatory boundary layer”,
Proceedings, 6th Int. Symposium on Flow Modeling and Turbulence Measurements, Sep. 1996, Florida,
U.S.A. pp.363-370.
31. Sana, A. and
Tanaka, H., (1996), “A comparative study of low Reynolds number k-epsilon models based on wave-current combined motion”,
Proceedings, 10th Congress of International Association for Hydraulic Research- Asia-Pacific Division, (IAHR-APD),
Langkawi, Malaysia, pp.486-493.
Tanaka, H. and Sana, A.,
“The quasi-steady behavior of wave boundary layer- a theoretical and experimental study”, Proceedings,
10th Congress of International Association for Hydraulic Research- Asia-Pacific Division, (IAHR-APD), Langkawi, Malaysia, pp.381-388.
Kawamura, I., Sana,
A. and Tanaka, H. (1996) “Asymptotic behavior of wave boundary layers with increasing wave period”, Proceedings
of Coastal Engineering, JSCE, Vol.43, pp.451-455 (in Japanese).
34. Sana, A. and
Tanaka, H., (1995), “The performance of low Reynolds number k-epsilon model to analyze an oscillatory boundary layer”,
Proceedings, International Symposium on Mathematical Modeling of Turbulent Flows, Tokyo,
35. Sana, A. and
Tanaka, H., (1995), “Application of low Reynolds number k-epsilon model to wave-current combined motion”, Proceedings,
Computer Modeling of Seas and Coastal Regions II, Ed. C.A. Brebbia, L. Traversoni and L.C. Wrobel, Computational Mechanics
Publications, pp.213-220.
36. Sana, A. and
Tanaka, H., (1995), “A full-range equation for wave boundary layer thickness”, Proceedings, Advances in
Hydro-Science and Engineering, Vol.2, China,
Sana, A., Tanaka, H. and Dang, V.T. (1995) “Sediment movement under waves and current”,
Proceedings of Coastal Engineering, JSCE, Vol.42, pp.491-495 (in Japanese).
38. Tanaka, H.
and Sana, A. (1995)
“Characteristics of bottom shear stress under long waves”, Proceedings of Coastal Engineering, JSCE, Vol.42,
pp.36-40 (in Japanese).
39. Sana, A. and Tanaka, H. (1994) “Study on bottom shear stress under crossing
waves and current”, Proceedings of Coastal Engineering, JSCE, Vol.41, pp.416-420 (in Japanese).